Allegations of Corruption and Procurement Fraud involving Mr. Emmanuel O. Kparh,Fayiah Tamba, and Sekou Kamara, all officials of the Liberia National Red Cross Society (LNRCS) in the expenditure of the EBOLA Funding.

Case Number
Case Title Allegations of Corruption and Procurement Fraud involving Mr. Emmanuel O. Kparh,Fayiah Tamba, and Sekou Kamara, all officials of the Liberia National Red Cross Society (LNRCS) in the expenditure of the EBOLA Funding.
Submitted At August 28, 2018
Case Status
Amount Involved $0.00 USD $0.00 LRD
Jurisdiction Circuit Court
Sector of the Case Non-profit
Level of Government National
Forms of Corruption
Summary of the Case Mr. Emmanuel O. Kparh, President; Fayiah Tamba, Secretary General, and Sekou Kamara, Finance Director of the LNRCS misapplied over US$60,000 of the EBOLA Project Funding and could not account for same. Indictment has been obtained pending trial.
Nature of the Case Mr. Emmanuel O. Kparh, President; Fayiah Tamba, Secretary General, and Sekou Kamara, Finance Director of the LNRCS misapplied over US$60,000 of the EBOLA Project Funding and could not account for same. Indictment has been obtained pending trial.

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