RL by & thru the LACC v. Duannah Kamara et al of LWSC

Case Number
Case Title RL by & thru the LACC v. Duannah Kamara et al of LWSC
Submitted At October 7, 2022
Case Status Trial Court
Amount Involved $99,000.00 USD $0.00 LRD
Jurisdiction Circuit Court
Sector of the Case Water and Sanitation
Level of Government National
Forms of Corruption Procurement Irregularities / Fraud
Summary of the Case In early 2023, the Liberia Anti-corruption Commission received a tip-off from a whistle-blower alleging that Mr. Duannah Kamara, former Managing Director of the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation and others were engaged in acts of corruption at the LWS. The allegations revealed among others things that the amount of US$99,000.00 was allegedly transferred from project accounts belonging to the LWSC to a bogus offshore company called Hydro Conseil. According to the allegations, Hydro Conseil was hired by the management of LWSC to conduct feasibility study for the LWSC. It was alleged that the company was hired in the absence of the requisite rules laid down in the Public Procurement and Concession Commission Act. Based on the allegations of fraudulent expenditure and abuse of public funds by executives of the LWSC, the LACC Monitoring and Investigation Department initiated full-scale investigations into the matter. The investigation found that the allegations were serious and there were reasons to launch a full scale investigation into the matter. Following months of investigation, it became necessary to recommend prosecution of Duannah Kamara, Managing Director, Moseray Momoh, Deputy Managing Director for Administration, and other staff for diverting fuel for purpose completely different from the approved decision of the World Bank. Following the recommendations of the investigation, the legal team then moved to the court to secure indictment. The indictment was secured and the prosecution of the former LWSC officials is currently ongoing at criminal court C.
Nature of the Case The allegations revealed among others things that the amount of US$99,000.00 was allegedly transferred from project accounts belonging to the Liberia Water & Sewer Corporation (LWSC) to a bogus offshore company called Hydro Conseil. It is alleged that the company was hired in the absence of the requisite rules laid down in the Public Procurement and Concession Commission Act.

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