Summary of the Case |
On September 29th, 2008, the Liberia Telecommunication Authority executed a memorandum of Understanding with Goderich Construction Company in which Goderich agreed to provide Closed Circuit Television to the LTA. This contract was negotiated and concluded by Mr. Madison Tukpa and Mr. Joseph Dortu, managing Director of Goderich Construction Company.
The total cost of this contract was US$21, 862.50. Goderich Construction Company and its Officers received the amount of US$19, 676.25 and failed to provide the required service for the amount and complete the contract. The LACC completed investigation by February 14, 2011. sOn February 27th, 2015, the LACC obtained an indictment against the defendants, who were charged with economic Sabotage, Misapplication of Entrusted Property, Criminal Conspiracy and Violation of PPCC Competitive Bidding Process.
On a motion for Change of Venue by the Prosecution, the case was transferred to the 13th Judicial Circuit Court in Kakata, Margibi County, from Criminal Court C in Montserrado County. Before trial, Defendant Joseph Dortu confessed judgment negotiated and accepted a Plea Bargain to Restitute the amount of US$6,558.75, a third of the total amount for which they were indicted.
Defendant Tukpa is being pursued with assignment made to appear in court, while the third defendant, Albert Bropleh is currently out of the bailiwick of the Republic.
Nature of the Case |
Contractors (Madison Togba and Joseph Dortu) through their company, Goderich Construction Company, received payment from the Liberia Telecommunications Authority (LTA) but did not perform any work. On February 27th, 2015, the LACC obtained an indictment against the defendants, who were charged with economic Sabotage, Misapplication of Entrusted Property, Criminal Conspiracy and Violation of PPCC Competitive Bidding Process. |