Corruption and financial impropriety involving Hon. J. Milton Teahjay et al. in the expenditure of County Development Funds for Sinoe County

Case Number
Case Title Corruption and financial impropriety involving Hon. J. Milton Teahjay et al. in the expenditure of County Development Funds for Sinoe County
Submitted At August 9, 2018
Case Status
Amount Involved $0.00 USD $0.00 LRD
Jurisdiction Circuit Court
Sector of the Case
Level of Government County
Forms of Corruption
Summary of the Case Conviction obtained only for violation of the PPCC Laws and not corruption-related offenses. Teahjay made to pay US$50,000 in fines.
Nature of the Case In 2017, an indictment, which originated from an investigation conducted by the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC), accused the former Sinoe County Superintendent and his deputy of expending $50,000, representing 30% of land rental fees entrusted to Teahjay and Wlemus by the government for the development of the county. “In addition, Teahjay illegally disbursed, used and expended without any evidence, $12,000 of proceeds realized from sales of rubber seized from illegal tappers from the SRC plantation,” the indictment said. “Therefore, the defendantsdf did knowingly, feloniously, purposely, criminally, maliciously, willfully, and intentionally steal, pilfer, take and carry away, exercise unauthorized control over and convert the total amount of $12,000 to his own use and benefit and or the use of benefits of others.” Further the indictment disclosed that “defendant J. Milton Teahjay awarded contracts valued at $764,500 to individuals and or companies without the processes and procedures required for the awarding of such contracts.”

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