Allegation of Financial Malpractice and corruption involving officials of NEC.

Case Number 00515
Case Title Allegation of Financial Malpractice and corruption involving officials of NEC.
Submitted At April 24, 2024
Case Status Under Investigation
Amount Involved $160,000.00 USD $0.00 LRD
Duration Under Investigation 5 months, 13 days
Jurisdiction Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission
Sector of the Case Elections
Level of Government National
Forms of Corruption Misapplication
Summary of the Case
Nature of the Case Financial Malpractices at the National Elections Commission (NEC). Report from social media alleges that, over USD$160,000.00 was given to a local vendor for services that were never rendered. Meanwhile; NEC reported that its procurement process for the by-elections was done in line with the Public Procurement & Concession Commission Act, and that there is no record to prove such claim.

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